All abstracts are to be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF) online via this website. Abstracts will not be accepted via email, fax or post.
Two-page limit - US Standard 8.5 x 11 inches is required
Please make sure that your Abstract Reference Number (4-digits) appears in the upper right-hand corner, your primary category choice appears in the upper left-hand corner and your request for "Poster" presentation appear in the center, if applicable.
Title and all of text must fit on the first page, as outlined in the sample abstract.
The text (title and references excluded) is limited to no more than 500 words and please indicate the word count at the bottom of your abstract
All figures and tables should appear on the second page
Make sure that all figures and photographs are clearly visible. If the program committee cannot clearly see and understand the role of the visual material included in the abstract, the material and consequently the abstract likely will be viewed negatively.
References (in short format) can go on either page and should be blinded, if necessary.
All abstracts will be considered for Oral and Poster/Oral presentation unless submitting author specifically requests poster presentation.
Upon acceptance of your submission, it should be understood that:
One author from your paper is required to register and present your paper at the PowerMEMS 2023 Conference.
You are required to submit your manuscript by the deadline for placement in the technical digest.
Registration will be completed and paid by the date set forth in the guidleines.